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dolly bellfield造句

  • Barlow's next major role was that of Dolly Bellfield in Victoria Wood's sitcom " Dinnerladies ", In 2007 she portrayed Lady Thaw in the " Doctor Who " episode " The Lazarus Experiment ".
  • The prim and prudish Dolly Bellfield ( Thelma Barlow ) and her waspish friend Jean ( Anne Reid ) are also featured, as well as the younger pair of the snarky Twinkle ( Maxine Peake ), who is always late, and the ditzy but mild-mannered Anita ( Shobna Gulati ).
  • "' Thelma Barlow "'( n閑 "'Pigott "'; born 19 June 1929 ) is an English television actress and writer, most famous for her roles as Mavis Wilton in the long-running ITV soap opera " Coronation Street " and as Dolly Bellfield in the sitcom " Dinnerladies ".
  • It's difficult to see dolly bellfield in a sentence. 用dolly bellfield造句挺难的
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